Welcome to one of Cluster Crush’s anchor series: The Variety Show. No fancy costume changes or skits that fall flat here, though.
Each post in this series will talk about a specific kind of wine, like Champagne or Chianti, and discuss what grape varieties are used to make it. On the other hand, I will also take some especially prolific varieties like Cabernet Sauvignon or Chardonnay, and talk about the different wines and regions you will find each in.

Different wines, different regions, different grapes – it can be hard to keep track of your favorite varieties!
All along with a few helpful tricks for remembering them so that next time you’re perusing a Bible-length wine list, you can order with confidence.
That way, if you like Sauvignon Blanc, you can flip from the New Zealand section of the wine list over to Sancerre. Or if Pinot Noir is your thing, you can forgo Bordeaux for Burgundy.
This is just an introduction, so stay tuned for future posts. In the meantime, if you have any questions about wine regions, named wines or wine appellations you’d like to know more about, email me with questions and suggestions at info@clustercrush.com.
Happy imbibing!