Hot tub crying jags. Awkward candle-lit dinners on the beach. Multi-person dates with a competitive physical element. Bringing a boyfriend home to meet the family, who also happen to be amateur taxidermists. That’s right, we have all the fun of a new season of The Bachelor to look forward to!

So many new wines to choose from for this season of The Bachelor! Which one will get your rose?
And while you might remember that former The Bachelorette contestant and eventual The Bachelor himself, Ben Flajnik, has a winery, until now there has been a shocking lack of wine targeted at The Bachelor aficionados. Especially considering the copious amounts consumed on the show itself.
However, just in time for its 21st season (appropriately enough), The Bachelor has partnered with (or to put it in The Bachelor terms, they “found a connection”) Wines that Rock on a line of themed releases for fans of the show. There are three wines to choose from, each priced at $16. But before you splurge on a case, consider the situations for which each might be appropriate.

Which wine is best for drinking during an awkward hot tub date?
There’s the One on One Chardonnay, perfect for leaving your inhibitions behind as you take a private yacht charter and dive into a tropical lagoon…and your potential mate’s checkered backstory.
The Final Rosé might not have the staying power its name suggests, but at least it’s here for the right reasons and is likely a good choice for when the Bachelor and his ladies hit the more exotic climes of their season’s journey.
Finally, The Fantasy Suite Cabernet Sauvignon makes big promises that it might not deliver on. At least it’ll be full-bodied and flavorful, the ruby color of a boudoir-inspired bungalow to which you hope to lure back a romantic prospect.

Wine doesn’t always help you, or the Bachelor, make the best choices.
So you might have some hard decisions to make…when it comes to choosing which one to drink. And while you may think you’re starting to fall in love with the wine, remember, when watching The Bachelor it’s less important which wine you choose than the amount you drink. As for me, I’m having trouble opening up. I’ve been hurt in the past by novelty beverages. So until they come out with Bachelor-size glasses, I’m holding off on giving any of these wines a date card.